Sundays At The Cemetery

5:43 pm

We go to the cemetery almost daily. I rarely cry when I'm there. I like to tidy up Florence's grave, light her candles, and just be.(I also check on her neighbours.)
The sun seems to always shine when we are there.Even on dark, rainy days, the light streams through the trees.
Now that winter is here,the gates close at 4pm, so if we go around 3.30 and light her candles,I know they will burn brightly just as the sky gets dark.
I'm not alone. Today as we left there was a sea of flickering lanterns right across the cemetery. All those loved ones remembered.
Sometimes I catch myself wondering what Florence would think of it there had she lived, and then I remember we'd have no need to go there had Florence lived.
Then I'm reminded what a fucked up world I live in now.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. That sounds beautiful Jeanette.

    I rarely get to visit where my daughter is buried but she is right next to her great grandpa who died a month after her. Also fucked up.

  2. It seems surreal sometimes to have lost a baby, doesn't it? Florence's resting place sounds very beautiful and I'm glad it gives you some peace. Sending you love.

  3. thinking of her little light shining. hugs x

  4. What a beautiful image. All those flickering lights burning for all those who were, and are, so very loved.

    It does feel like a very fucked up world some days.

    Much love to you xo

  5. the image of the lanterns sounds just beautiful...

    i am so sorry that any of us have to know what it is to visit our children's graves. it is a f'd up world.

  6. As said by other comments, it is a beautiful image of the candles burning. fucked up world? Check.

  7. Watching people around us in the same boat as us is unsettling and calming in the same go.

    Remembering your baby girl with you.


  8. The world is indeed a very fucked up place. I'm not waiting for it to change any more.


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!