October 2nd Capturing Grief

7:05 am

October 2nd Before Loss, originally uploaded by indiaeden.

The theme today is Self Portrait Before Loss.
This isn't a self portrait, it was taken by Woody as we climbed the hill up to Whitby Abbey in October 2008.
We were on holiday in North Yorkshire for half term. We had such a wonderful weekend.
I was just pregnant with Florence, but had no idea.
I'd been longing for another child, but was trying to use my head over my heart and not go there.
I don't find it easy to look at before loss photos. I can see so much that is missing now. I'll never be that person again, but I'll always have happy memories of days like this one. x

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. You both look so happy.

    (And what a beautiful carrier. I still look at some of mine and think of how I never got use them with Reid.)

  2. That's how I remember you before (in this before and after world!) xx


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!