Day Nineteen

7:11 am

Day 19 - a talent of yours.

Hmmm, well if you'd asked me 15 months ago, I might have said birhing my babies....
As it is,I think maybe I have a talent for appearing calm and collected,when actually beneath the surface I'm treading water frantically. Then again, maybe those reading who know me well would say differently.

Don't be shy, say hello!


  1. I think you have many beautiful talents. From the outside looking in I see a beautiful mother to six children who would do anything for each one of them.
    I envy your ability to project calm when the inside is so shattered.

  2. "I think maybe I have a talent for appearing calm and collected,when actually beneath the surface I'm treading water frantically"

    So you are a swan then! Looking graceful and composed to everyone whilst working really hard to get what you need under the surface. Not a bad way to be :o)

  3. sewing, design, color, creating fabric designs... Many more I'm sure, but those are the ones I know about from the sewing group :)

  4. you make beautiful things!! That's a talent.

  5. pretty damn good seamstress and all! You have a really good eye for creating the most pretty things. You are a very talented writer too (and also at saying the right thing to another babylost mama) I think you must also be pretty amazing at organisation to be able to do everything that that you do with that many kids :P

  6. I think one of your main talents is as a mum - you are amazing.

  7. I second what everyone else said, but how could you not mention your sewing abilities. You're super clever.

  8. I enjoy seeing your knitting projects, and most anything else you create.

  9. You are so much more though. You are SO creative. And sew SO much better than I do. Have so much more patience. I love how you make your own clothes and pull them off! If I made my own clothes I'de look like a strange freaky thing.
    And you must be a pretty amazing mum to look after all those children AND do the above as well. I am in awe of you. Honestly.

  10. I feel this too, you arent alone


Hi, I love to hear from readers, hate to think I'm talking to myself here, so don't be shy say hello!