Day Sixteen

10:18 am

Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly).

Ok, this might be an odd one, but our in car fave music is Tom Paxton. We've listened over and over and over again to the one and only cd of his we own, and all the children love singing along.
My favourite tracks are Jennifer's Rabbit,(reminds me of Eden and her snuggle,Sarah Rabbit)but the track that always makes me cry (or nearly) is My Lady's a Wild Flying Dove.
I couldn't find this track on You Tube, but found a link here.

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  1. hehe I'm named after that Tom Paxton song, he does some great songs :D

  2. Tom Paxton is tainted for me forever as my ex boyfriend oh so many years ago used to LOVE him. I can't listen without being reminded of being dumped in a Denny's restaurant and then having to beg him to stay at his house because there was a blizzard on the way.

  3. I love Tom Paxton - it's all on Spotify, I listen all the time, Pete Seeger too. My dad took me to see him when I was 9-ish and I met him afterwards. I said he hadn't sung my favourite (at the time!), 'I lost my heart on a 747', so he knelt down and sang it for me. Lots of tear jerkers to choose from.
    Liz xx

  4. I've never heard of Tom Paxton but that is a beautiful song.

    Elizabeth - that is such a lovely story, what a sweet guy. I like him even more for that.

  5. Thank you for introducing me to his music- I have not heard of him until your post...

  6. Katie, now I'm confused, do you mean you are named after this song?

    Or are you one of those people with two names?

    Kat, I'm sorry to bring back bad memories.

    Elizabeth, wow! That's so cool that he sang to you. Wait till I tell my girls!


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